We look forward to hearing from you.

If you require a booking within the next 10 days we suggest you call us on 06 347 7409, or email bookings@settlement.quakers.nz

For all other queries complete the contact form below or email settlement@quaker.org.nz

We are situated at 76 Virginia Road, Ōtamatea, Whanganui 4500 - on the northern outskirts of one of Aoteaora NZ’s most notable historic cities, where attractions abound.

Conveniently located 5 minutes by car from the city centre and 15 minutes from the airport. Take Highway 3 (direction New Plymouth) turning right into Virginia Road about 1km north of Rotokawau Virginia Lake.


Settlement Privacy Statement

The Settlement collects personal information from you when you submit a Contact Us form or register for a seminar via Google forms. Our purpose is to manage our accommodation and gatherings. Personal information is collected about you if you apply to join our community and is used to assess your application and for the purposes of administering our community. In addition to sharing information with residents, we share information with members of our governing body, the Whanganui Educational Settlement Trust Board.

Your information is not retained or stored by the Settlement in a database. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you want a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact our Privacy Officer via our Secretary, at settlement@quaker.org.nz, or 76 Virginia Rd, Whanganui. Our full Privacy Policy is available in a PDF here.