Make a donation
The Quaker Settlement relies on a large number of people who choose to help in a variety of ways.
Our residents contribute through regular service including for the care of the land and seminar facilities, and we are blessed to have Friends who come and assist throughout the year and particularly during Work Weekends.
We also welcome financial contributions from anyone who is willing and able to donate.
General or regular donations
Donations can be one off or regular, and can be for general use or targeted to a specific activity, such as towards the purchase of trees for our Project Canopy.
Donations for general use assist the Settlement to respond to the unexpected.
Our bank account for donations is:
Whanganui Education Settlement Trust
03 0791 0490180 00
To become a regular donor, you may like to set up an automatic payment with your bank.
Please email if you would like to remember The Quaker Settlement in your will.