Events Calendar

Images, Insights, and Inspiration
From Friday 08 November 2024 -  06:30pm
To Sunday 10 November 2024 - 01:00pm
Hits : 907


Explore how using contrasting images can help insights and inspiration emerge around any area which may be troubling, needing greater understanding or to be healed. This is a deeply spiritual process. Although this will be a creative workshop you don't need any artistic skills, just some curiousity and a willingness to experiment and have fun!.

Please review our PAL pricing before registering as you will be asked to indicate what payment you will be making. The pricing is found here. Payment can be made to our Seminar Account  03-0791-0490180-025

Led by Ann Banks and Jan Aubrey

Brochure is found here.

Location Quaker Settlement, 76 Virginia Road, Whanganui