Events Calendar

A Weekend for Enquirers and Attenders
From Friday 09 August 2024 -  06:30pm
To Sunday 11 August 2024 - 01:00pm
Hits : 946

Register by clicking here

Perhaps you have attended only a few Quaker Meetings for Worship, or you have been attending for some time and now want to be more widely involved or to learn more about Quaker faith, concerns, structures and processes. This is the seminar for you. 

Please review our PAL pricing before registering as you will be asked to indicate what payment you will be making. The pricing is found here. Payment can be made to our Seminar Account 03-0791-0490180-025

Facilitated by Lesley Young and others to be confirmed. 

Settlement Contact Person is Val Bone; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Brochure is found here.

Location Quaker Settlement, 76 Virginia Road, Whanganui